Children and Teens Need a Better World View
When deciding to create this business, my mind was fully on the issues facing our children today. They are in a force wind that is taking them in directions that could possibly destroy their lives. I wanted to help as much as I could.
As a former classroom teacher, my greatest impact was of course dealing directly with the students, and I think I did have some influence, but I believe God gave me a new direction so that I could effect even greater lives by creating my business dedicated to bringing back innocence, Godly significance, enriching art experiences and educational stimulation through their bedroom accessories.I believe in beauty and what it can do especially at a time when beauty is being questioned as being significant.
We live in a world that today believes in nothing and no one except itself and children are growing up under this tyranny. I call it tyranny because they can't do much about it because adults have created it.
I'm not attempting to guilt or shame anyone, I'm just as responsible, but we have to accept our part in creating this drama. The movies, music, culture and politics they are exposed to has them in fear and some even dreading their future. How do I know, because I have young nephews, nieces and friends that are navigating this world right now.
I'm not interested in them being a version of me or like me, but I am interested in them being courageous, know who they are and whose they are and set the temperature for this new world we are navigating now.
I've been shamed in what I want to do, many believing it impossible or outdated but I won't stop until I see that our youth are improving in a healthy way, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and creatively.
The bible tells us to "train up a child IN THE WAY he should go.....his lean and bent. We are to offer values, teach them about God but ultimately let them be who they are inside and out.
Check out my Bible Tees....I'm just getting started but I want them to experience life in these 5 areas, artistically/creatively, culturally, Godly inspiration, historically and educationally.
Something has to give....unless you have a more innovative idea, we should be trying and attempting to create and knock down as many barriers as possible for our kids sake. Why, because one day they will be leading you for better or worse.
My public service announcement:
"Be always creatively and artistically focused and live life beautifully for God."